Dr. Agnese Livia Fischetti

Dr. Agnese Livia Fischetti

KNIR Column Una vita con i “cocci”   I have been a KNIR Fellow since 2016. I am concluding my PhD research at the University of Groningen (GIA). My research discusses the natural road network that connected Alban Hills to Rome, the development of...
Dr. Loredana Lorizzo

Dr. Loredana Lorizzo

Loredana Lorizzo is a KNIR Fellow from 1 April 2019 till 31 July 2020 for her research on “Pieter van Laer (c. 1599-1642). catalogo ragionato dei dipinti, dei disegni e delle stampe”. She is a Professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Salerno where she...