Youri ter Horst, BA

Youri ter Horst, BA

By studying recently excavated materials and conducting several experiments with reconstructions based on these materials, this study aims to dissect the whole chaîne opératoire of salt production at the site of Piscina Torta, and consequently aims to contribute to...
Koen Scholten, MA

Koen Scholten, MA

This project studies the role of scholarly travels in the formation of communities in the seventeenth century. There are two aspects of travelling that I want to explore. First, to what extent and how travelling helped strengthen the idea of a pan-European learned...
Daniel Pereira Sardinha, MA

Daniel Pereira Sardinha, MA

Greetings! My name is Daniel Sardinha, and I’m a PhD student at the University of Groningen (Institute of Archaeology). I studied Archaeology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon, where I obtained my bachelor’s degree. I...
Irene Jacobs, MA

Irene Jacobs, MA

Het project onderzoekt hoe de auteurs van Byzantijnse heiligenlevens uit de negende en tiende eeuw betekenis gaven aan hetreisgedrag van monniken. Lang is gedacht dat Byzantijnen, en monniken in het bijzonder, zich karakteriseerde door weinig mobiliteiten een zeer...
Hylke de Boer, BA

Hylke de Boer, BA

Pliny the Elder concludes a chapter on mining with the following judgement: “How innocent, how happy, in fact how luxurious even would life be, if it desired nothing from somewhere other than the surface of the earth” (33.3). Thus, there is a moral gap between...