Julie van Loon, BA

Julie van Loon, BA

In 2003, Putin has gifted a statue of San Nicola to the city of Bari. The San Nicola statue has become a contested site since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. There have been protests at the site and there has even been a petition about its survival. The...
Hannah Jansen, BA

Hannah Jansen, BA

De idee van ideale proporties en de implicaties hiervan. Die zijn politiek-filosofisch in het ontwerp van de ideale stad (Plato, More, Dürer en de Renaissance paleizen, zoals Urbino), medisch-ethisch met betrekking tot het lichaam en de fysionomie (von Hutten),...
Joosje Holstein, BA

Joosje Holstein, BA

This research will look at contemporary and 20th century tales that are set in Rome; stories of marginalized characters. By applying a theory of ‘resonance’ and a method of ‘deep listening’, it will sonically investigate these tales, and...
Elena Liberati, MA

Elena Liberati, MA

This research examines the relationship between civil society and governmental asylum policies, delving into the evolving role of grassroots organizations within Rome’s migration governance and their contribution to local diversity management. Through an...