Fenna Visser, BA

Fenna Visser, BA

This research looks into the public presence of North-Africans in ancient Rome from 146 BCE until 180 CE. For this, I will combine information from primary sources such as administrative documents, literary works and material finds with insights from scholarly...
Francesco Gavioli, MA

Francesco Gavioli, MA

The research investigates how antique sculptural models were studied within workshops of fifteenth-century painters across Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio. A primary goal is to reconceptualise our understanding of knowledge sharing between different workshops. In addition...
Maarten van Deventer, PhD

Maarten van Deventer, PhD

Ons demografisch, sociaal en topografisch begrip van Rome is voor de vroege middeleeuwen grotendeels gebaseerd op een, helaas, beperkt begrip van kerkstichtingen. Verschillende actoren waaronder de kerk, de seculiere elite en machthebbers hadden een sociale en...
Stijn Timmermans, MA

Stijn Timmermans, MA

Silius Italicus diverged stylistically from Livy’s AUC while narrating the Second Punic War in his Punica, also in his depiction of the character Hannibal Barca. Whereas Livy portrays him as the despicable un-Roman antitype, Silius transforms him into a...
Elli Stogiannou, MA

Elli Stogiannou, MA

My project explores identity formation in the inter-imperial world in the early modern Mediterranean. Specifically, I examine how the seventeenth-century Aegean populations responded to the arrival of foreign powers. In contrast to previous scholarship that has...