Neilabh Sinha, MA

Neilabh Sinha, MA

Comparing the collections of Habsburg emperor Rudolf II and Mughal emperor Jahangir, this project argues that early modern cultural activity was a highly specialized political sphere. Asia and Europe appear to differ in their political and cultural development, but...
Nicky Schreuder, MA

Nicky Schreuder, MA

I research the emergence and impact of the Second-Style murals of Roman houses (first century BCE)⁠. These paintings began to include a wide array of objects/scenes that circulated in the Hellenistic world and were imported into Rome⁠. The Roman republic had become a...
Renée de Vries, BA

Renée de Vries, BA

I will examine kinship relations between individuals buried in two clusters of graves at the ancient settlement of Crustumerium.
Silvio Ruberto, BA

Silvio Ruberto, BA

Investigating the building of a network of monasteries in and around Sicily’s Nebrodi Mountains under the Norman Hauteville dynasty through a triangulation of GIS-based diplomatic analysis, close reading of narrative and cartographic sources, and a limited...
Janine Roos, BA

Janine Roos, BA

The crux of public display and in situ agency of both pagan and Catholic subjects in early modern art is, in my opinion, the true dichotomy of the Renaissance, and by extension the Baroque. To understand this reoccurring transformation of artistic expression that is...