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Unfortunately, we are experiencing technical problems with the visibility of courses in this section of our course programme.
For a complete overview of all our courses at the different course levels, please only visit the main course programme page.
Eerste semester 2024-2025
Course: Symbols of Power
Thinking about Law and State from Ancient Rome to the European Union
Tweede semester 2024-2025
Course: The Art of Making
Workshop Practice in the Early Modern Period
Course: Roma Sacra. Op Romereis met oog voor betekenisgeving en religie
Verdiepende nascholingscursus in Rome voor docenten in het middelbaar onderwijs
Course: Jews, Christians and Mithraists
Urban Traces and Traditions of three “Oriental” Religions in Imperial Rome
Course: Writing Rome
Literary Approaches to the City from Antiquity up to the Present
Course: Imagining Africa
Colonialism and Coloniality through Visual and Material Culture
Archaeological Field School: Unearthing a Roman Villa in Satricum (Italy)
Latium Vetus in the Imperial Period (1st – 5th AD)
Archaeological Fieldwork: Exploring Mountain Society in Guarda (Portugal) with the GAP project
Location: Guarda, Beira Interior, Portugal