Header Fieldschool Guarda Portugal 2025

Archaeological Fieldwork: Exploring Mountain Society in Guarda (Portugal) with the GAP project

Location: Guarda, Beira Interior, Portugal
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This field survey campaign is part of the Guarda Archaeological Project (GAP), a collaboration between the University of Groningen, KNIR, NOVA University of Lisbon, and the Municipality of Guarda. Guarda, located in the Serra da Estrela mountains, is the highest municipality in Portugal, situated between the Mondego, Zêzere, and Côa valleys. The region is known for its beautiful, rolling landscape, and during protohistory and the Roman period, it played a significant role in mineral mining and metal exploitation in the Western Mediterranean world.
Target group and admission
Bachelor, Master, Research Master and PhD students in Archaeology, Ancient History, Classics, Geoarchaeology and related fields enrolled in one of the KNIR partner universities in the Netherlands (RU, RUG, UL, UU, UvA, VU) or in Portuguese universities. Students from Italian, Spanish or other international universities are emphatically welcome to apply too.Language
Because of the international character of the project, the standard project language is English.

Activities and time period
15 June (arrival) – 6 July (departure)
This field school consists of systematic, intensive surface survey (i.e. field walking) as well as the study of the finds and GIS documentation in the lab of the Museum of Guarda. The high staff-student ratio provides ample room for learning in practice.

Expenses and Accommodation in Guarda
Participants will stay at a farmhouse or hostel in Guarda (further details will follow). Students will share rooms. The working base for data processing, following the daily field activities, will be the lab at the Museum of Guarda. Tuition is free for all participants, as are lodging and meals. Upon successful completion of the campaign, travel expenses will be reimbursed by the Cultuurfonds—up to €250 for students enrolled at KNIR partner universities (for flight and bus/train tickets), and up to €50 for students from Portuguese universities (for bus/train tickets).

Credits and assessment
The study load is equivalent to 5 ECTS (140 hours). Each student should coordinate with their home institution/coordinator to determine whether this field school can be integrated into their existing curriculum. Students will be assessed based on participation and the development of insights and skills during the field school. After the campaign, a certificate of participation will be provided by the KNIR.

Application and admission
Students can apply via the link below. Include in your application:
• a brief letter of motivation (max. 1 A4)
• a brief CV (if applicable, pointing out previous field work experience, max. 1 A4)
• a recent list of courses followed and grades provided by your university (only for BA and (R)MA students)

15 April 2025, 23:59 CEST.
Please note that the decision of the selection committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

More info
E-mail: secretary@knir.it
Phone: (+39)063269621

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© photo header: Dr. Anita Casarotto
© photo tile: Giordano De Coste, MA

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