28 februari 2023
Applications are invited for a fully funded two-year Postdoc position within the research project “Classical roots of (early) modern colonization” at Groningen University (UG) and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR), coordinated by Prof. Dr....
9 januari 2023
14 november 2022
Gegadigden voor de Ted Meijerprijs 2023 kunnen zichzelf voor 15 november aanmelden! In aanmerking komen scripties en dissertaties op het gebied van de geesteswetenschappen die zijn afgemaakt en succesvol verdedigd in de achttien kalendermaanden voor de deadline van de...
4 oktober 2022
This November I will start my PhD project “On the brink of complexity: shifting society in late bronze age and early iron age Latium Vetus” at the Sapienza University of Rome. The research focusses on an important turning point in the history of central Italy; the...
19 september 2022
Job description Applications are invited for two fully funded, four-year PhD positions within the research project “The impact of Roman imperialism in the West: settlement dynamics and rural organization in Iron Age and Roman Portugal”, financed by the Regato Fund of...
12 september 2022