1 september 2020
Rome and Florence are of paramount importance to those working in the humanities, since most of its disciplines originate in late medieval or early modern Italy, and even postmodernism has some of its most significant roots in Italian intellectual debates. Therefore,...
19 mei 2020
Classical Receptions and the Creation of Classics NKV/OIKOS/KNIR seminar for (R)MA and PhD students Five-hundred years ago, on Good Friday, April 6th, 1520, the painter Raphael died in Rome after a brief illness, exactly 37 years after his birth, also on Good Friday,...
19 mei 2020
Met de slag bij de Milvische Brug in 312 n.C. versloeg Constantijn niet alleen zijn directe concurrent Maxentius, maar verwierf hij ook de macht in wat nog steeds de hoofdstad van het Romeinse Rijk was. In de jaren erna zou Constantijn alleenheerser van het gehele...