Alexandra was already staying at the KNIR from 8 May to 26 June 2023 for a KNIR Scholarship for (R)MA students for the research on De verbeelding van heksen in Italiaanse kunst tijdens het hoogtepunt van de heksenvervolgingen in Europa (1560-1630). Short description of the research in Dutch: Een onderzoek naar hoe Rome in de vroegmoderne periode relatief weinig slachtoffers had tijdens de Europese heksenvervolgingen. Hierbij wil ik mij focussen op primaire bronnen zoals documentatie van Italiaanse hekserij-rechtszaken (die zijn opgeslagen in Romeinse archieven) en de rol van Italiaanse kunstenaars, die de heksen verbeeldden in hun werk.
Alexandra van Hoeck, BA
MA student in Art History
Borse di studio: for (R)MA students
Titolo ricerca: Whores and witches: The representations of women in Italian Renaissance art.
This research focuses on the representation of women in Italian Renaissance art, with special attention to the link between female beauty and morality. Older women are often depicted as symbols of evil, such as witches, while younger women are sometimes associated with immorality, for example as prostitutes. The study analyzes the cultural and arthistorical significance of these portrayals within the context of the Renaissance.
Lavora presso il KNIR: 14 April - 2 June 2025
Indirizzo mail:
Università: VU Amsterdam