Demi is currently the chair of the Ambassadors. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in History and her master’s specialisation Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean Worlds at Radboud, as well as her mater’s specialisation in Ancient History at Leiden University. Demi is now working on her PhD project ‘Beneath the Surface. A study on the daily experiences of migrated mine- and quarry workers in the Roman Empire through critical fabulation’. During the summer of 2022 she stayed at the KNIR for the first time, when she participated in the excavations for the ‘Mapping the Via Appia’ project. After that, she was lucky to stay at the KNIR on multiple occasions, for instance with a grant for prospective PhD students, and for the course ‘Excavating National Pasts’. As one of the ambassadors for the Radboud University she is happy to help with all your questions about the Institute and/or talk about the beautiful city of Rome.
Demi Storm, MA
PhD student in Ancient History
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Università: Radboud University Nijmegen