Eerste semester 2024-2025
Course: Symbols of Power
Thinking about Law and State from Ancient Rome to the European Union
Course: Mining Library Treasures
Discovering the KNIR through its Special Collections
Secondo semestre 2023-2024
NWIB Summer School: Urban Heritage
in Rome, Florence or Athens
Archaeological Field School: Exploring Ancient Mountain Society in Guarda (Portugal) with the GAP project
Location: Beira Alta (Portugal)
Summer School: SuRe – Sustainable and Resilient societies
External course. Registration via the University of Groningen
Course: Imagining Africa
Colonialism and Coloniality through Visual and Material Culture
Practicum: Remote Sensing in ancient Samnium
Aerial archaeology and geophysics practicum in Molise
Course: Excavating National Pasts
Rome and the (Trans) National Archaeologies of Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Course: Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa
Arte e attivismo come pratiche di cittadinanza
Course: Interdisciplinaire Romereis
Verdiepende nascholingscursus in Rome voor docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs
Primo semestre 2023-2024
Course: Mining Library Treasures
Discovering Rome in KNIR's Rare Books Collection
Archaeological Field Work: Exploring Ancient Mountain Society in Beira Alta (Portugal)
Location: Portugal
Course: Byzantine Rome
Unknown Archaeology and History of the Eternal City (400-1000 AD)
Secondo semestre 2022-2023
NWIB Summer School: Urban Heritage
in Rome, Florence or Athens
Archaeological Field School: Unearthing a Roman Villa in Satricum (Italy)
Latium Vetus in the Imperial Period (1st – 5th AD)
Practicum: Drones over ancient Samnium
Aerial archaeology practicum in Molise
Course: Challenging Eternity
Planning heritage in the participatory society
Practicum: Tombs from Excavation to Digital Publication
The Crustumerium Publication Project
Course: Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa
Roma laboratorio di Storia/storie
Primo semestre 2022-2023
Practicum: Mining Library Treasures
KNIR's Rare Books Collection
Secondo semestre 2021-2022
Excavating National Pasts
Rome and the (Trans) National Archaeologies of Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Numismatics: Faces of Power
Coinage as a historical source in the Roman and early modern period
Primo semestre 2021-2022
Practicum: Mining Library Treasures
KNIR's Rare Books Collection
We Are the People
Transnational Imaginaries of (Anti-)Fascism and Populism
Byzantine Rome
Unknown Archaeology and History of the Eternal City (400-1000 AD)