Summer greetings

Summer greetings

KNIR is still buzzing with activities in July, with no fewer than three summer schools taking place this month. The Enlight Summerschool The World in Rome; our own Summer School Roma Caput Mundi; and the NWIB Summer School Urban Heritage will conclude this KNIR...
A Tour of Tombs at the KNIR!

A Tour of Tombs at the KNIR!

On wednesday afternoon, April 26th, students from the practicum “Tombs from Excavation to Digital Publication, The Crustumerium Publication Project” concluded their course at the Institute with a small exhibition in the Institute’s Auditorium showcasing the grave...
Winner Ted Meijerprijs: Claudia Minchilli

Winner Ted Meijerprijs: Claudia Minchilli

Claudia Minchilli (University of Groningen) is the winner of the 2022 edition of the Ted Meijerprijs. In her dissertation “Localizing Digital Diasporas. Diasporic Digital Networking among Somali, Romanian and Turkish Women in Rome through the Lens of Social Class”,...