Visiting Professors

KNIR visiting professor programme

The KNIR has a long tradition of inviting senior researchers to a research stay at the KNIR. That is why the visiting professor programme has been in place since 2019. This programme is aimed at distinguished international researchers. They are active in areas that are linked to the Institute’s core areas.


NWIB visiting professor programme

Since the end of 2020, the NWIB has also had a new visiting professor programme. All Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIB) participate in it. The programme offers participants a three-month research stay at one of the foreign institutes. The NWIB visiting professors can get to know our institute and our unique research facilities and international research networks (again). At the same time, the visiting professors contribute to the strengthening and broadening of our research and education programme. The programme is open to university (associate) professors and full professors from all Dutch universities affiliated with the NWIB.




Our NWIB visiting professors

Prof. dr. Geert Janssen

Sandra Ponzanesi Res Ed Van Rijswijk

Prof. dr. Sandra Ponzanesi

Prof. dr. Joanita Vroom

Dr. Maartje van Gelder

Dr. Hannah Malone

Prof. dr. Rafael Wittek

Prof. dr. Maarten Lindeboom

Dr. L.E. (Rens) Tacoma

Prof.dr. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold