Former scholarship students (since 2020) Alexander Jansen MSc PhD candidate Archaeology Amber Souleymane, BA RMA student in Early Dutch Literature / Digital Humanities Anne-Lieke Brem MA PhD Student Archaeology RuG Anne-Lieke Brem MA PhD candidate Archaeology Arent Boon BA RMA Arts of the Netherlands UvA Chantal Bouma MA MA Heritage Studies VU Christel Andrik, MA External PhD student in Art History Christian Hoekema, BA RMA student in History Clim Wijnands, MA PhD Student in Art History Daniel Pereira Sardinha, MA PhD student in Archaeology dr. Anita Casarotto Scholarship Researcher Archaeology LU Dr. Marleen Termeer Assistant Professor in Ancient History drs. Machteld G.G. Löwensteyn Researcher in Art History drs. Neeltje Oome PhD student Archaeology RUG Edgar Pereira PhD Researcher History LU Ediz Hazir, MA PhD student in History Elena Liberati, MA External PhD student in Anthropology Elli Stogiannou, MA preparing PhD position Esmee Boschma MA MA student Archaeology LU Fenna Visser, BA RMA student in Classics and Ancient Civilisations Floor Goevaerts BA MA Italian Language and Linguistics LU Floris Rijssenbeek BA MA History UU Francesca Bulian, PhD Postdoc in Archaeology Francesco Gavioli, MA preparing a PhD-project Giacomo Fontana MA PhD candidate Archaeology Giulio Dalla Grana, MA External PhD student in History Hannah Jansen, BA MA student in Art History & Philosophy Hylke de Boer, BA RMA student in Classics Irene Jacobs, MA PhD student in History James Dodd PhD Researcher Archaeology VU Janine Roos, BA RMA student in History Janis Oomen, MA PhD student in Archaeology / Ancient History Jet Weerkamp BA MA student Art History VU Joas de Jong, BA MA in History Joosje Holstein, BA RMA student in Comparative Literary Studies Joost Snaterse, MA PhD student in History Julia Alting BA RMA Student Arts & Culture, Leiden University Julia Alting, MA PhD student in Art History Klazina Staat MA PhD Greek and Latin Languages and cultures Ghent University Koen Klein, BA MA student in Ancient History / Premaster Archaeology Koen Scholten, MA PhD student in History Larissa Henrique Dos Santos Lemos BA MA History RU Leanne Jansen MA PhD Student Classical Languages LU Lotte Paulides BA MA Book Studies UvA Luca Ricci BA RMA Archaeology UU Lucas Moolenburgh, BA MA student in Greek & Latin Languages and Culture Maaike van Etten, BA RMA student in Classics and Ancient Civilizations Maarten Schmaal, MA Ted Meijer Prize Winner 2023 Maarten van Deventer MA PhD Student Art History Maarten van Deventer, PhD preparing a postdoctoral project Marcello de Vos, MA PhD student in Archaeology/ Ancient history Marijke Kooijman MA, LLB Martina Halsema BA MA Student Art History VU Martje de Vries MA PhD GLTC / Art History RU Matisse Huiskens, MA PhD Student in Art History Matthijs Catsman BA RMA student Archaeology UvA Mattia Steardo BA RMA Colonial and Global History RUG Maurits Potappel BA MA Philosophy and Theology VU Melcher van Nieuwkoop BA RMA Student Ancient History RU Merlijn Breunesse, PhD Postdoc in GLTC Miente Pietersma, MA PhD student in History Mo van de Wege, BA RMA student in History Mr. dr. Elsemieke Daalder Researcher Law, Leiden University Neilabh Sinha, MA PhD student in History Nick Pouls MA Nicolò Bettegazzi, MA PhD Student in Classics Noor van der Veen BA RMA History UvA Oonagh Grant, BA RMA student in Modern History and International Relations Renée de Vries, BA MA student in Archaeology Roelie Kuijpers, BA MA in Ancient History Rogier Kalkers MA PhD candidate Archaeology Rogier van der Heijden BA RMA Student Archaeology UU Silvio Ruberto, BA MA student in History Stijn Timmermans, MA preparing PhD position Suzan van de Velde, MA PhD Student in Archaeology Thom van Leuveren BA RMA student Classics and Ancient Civilizations LU Thomas van de Vijver BA MA History UvA Warja Tolstoj MA RMA Student Art History LU Yannic Rabou BA RMA student Archaeology RUG Youri ter Horst, BA MA student in Archaeology