Scholarship holders Spring-Summer 2024/2025 Abigail Gabriella Verstraeten, MA Archaeology / Ancient History Title research: Finding the Bronzesmith: Determining the Presence of Specialists versus Generalists in Bronze Metallurgy during the Bronze Age Alexandra van Hoeck, BA MA student in Art History Title research: Whores and witches: The representations of women in Italian Renaissance art Anne Wildschut, MA Art History Title research: Defining and constructing ancient Etruria in the Renaissance: Etruscan art in Italian regional, local and noble selffashioning beyond the Court of Cosimo I Charlot Smid, MA PhD student in Art History Title research: Re-shaping the Vatican Angelo Rocca and his circle restoring the papal authority under Sixtus V Eline Verburg, MA PhD student in Archaeology / Ancient History Title research: Etruscans for All: the reception and perception of the Etruscans in 18th- and 19th- century Northwestern Europe Eva van Kemenade, MA PhD student in History Title research: The Politics of Ritual: Public Festivals in Post-Tridentine Bologna (1550-1700) Joelle Kraaijeveld, BA RMA student in History Title research: The Reality of Rhetoric: Exploring Religious Violence in Late Antiquity Julie van Loon, BA MA student in Art History Title research: The narrative power of objects in the museum space: The Liberation Museum in Rome and Italian post war memory narratives Louis Verreth, MA PhD student in Greek / Latin Languages & Culture Title research: Playing with Ancient Pasts. Lorenzo de' Medici and Humanist Literature Matthias Lukkes, MA History Title research: Revisiting the Invention of Africa: African alterity in Dutch culture in the long seventeenth century (1590-1720) Michele Valandro, MA PhD student in Archaeology / Ancient History Title research: Between two worlds. Institutional epigraphy as an anchor of legitimisation by provincial and local elites in Hispania and Africa Nicky Schreuder, MA PhD student in Archaeology / Ancient History Title research: Experiencing Pompeian Second-Style Paintings in a Globalising World Phaedra Criaco, MA PhD student in Archaeology / Ancient History Title research: The Development of Roads and Transport Infrastructure in the Hinterland of Rome Puck de Boer, MA PhD student in History Title research: Trials of Honour. Masculinity, violence and emotions in the modern Italian military (1861-1919) Roberta Devoto, BA RMA student in Religious Diversity in a Globalised World Title research: National Mistics. An inquiry into the sacralization of politics Rosa Bovenkerk, BA MA student in Middle Eastern Studies Title research: Islamic Heritage Tourism and Halal tourism in Italy and Spain Stephanie de Graaf, BA RMA student in History Title research: Revealing layers: Digitizing photographic archives for gender and mobility insights Steven van Ens, MA PhD student in Archaeology / Ancient History Title research: Economic geography in Rome's hinterland Ted van Aanholt, MA PhD student in History of Philosophy Title research: Contesting Modernity: The Suppression of Atomism (1640 - 1695) Vicente Fischer de Miranda Rodrigues, MA Ted Meijer Prize Winner 2024 Title research: Inventio: Bishops, Martyrs and the construction of the past (350-750AD)