The KNIR has its own series of publications entitled Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.
The aim of the Papers is to offer a forum for a broad range of humanities scholars whose work focuses on Rome and/or Italy from Antiquity to the present. The main language of publication is English, though a small number of contributions in Italian and other languages are included. The four members of the Institute’s academic staff serve as the core editorial team. In addition, there is an editorial board comprised of Dutch and foreign scholars. Since 2017, the Papers are published by Edizioni Quasar.
The series is a follow-up to the Institute’s previous series of publications, Fragmenta. Journal of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (2007-2012) and Mededelingen van het Nederlands Instituut in Rome (1921-2003; available online in open access).

73. Giovanna Capitelli, Tania De Nile, Arnold Witte (eds.), Fiamminghi al Sud. Oltre Napoli (Rome: Quasar 2024)

72. Johan Philip Koelman, In Rome 1846-1851. Van aantekeningen, illustraties en een nawoord voorzien door Asker Pelgrom (Rome: Quasar 2023)

71. Nathalie de Haan & Kurt Wallat, Die Zentralthermen (Terme Centrali) in Pompeji. Archäologie eines Bauprojektes (Rome: Quasar 2023)

70. Matthijs Jonker, The Academization of Art: A Practice Approach to the Early Histories of the Accademia del Disegno and the Accademia di San Luca (Rome: Quasar 2022)

68. Sible de Blaauw, Eric M. Moormann, Daniëlle Slootjes (eds.), The recruiting power of Christianity (Rome: Quasar 2021)

67. Susan Russell, “His great genius was to make landscapes”. The Roman Years of Herman van Swanevelt (c. 1603-1655) (Rome: Quasar 2019)

66. Miguel John Versluys, Kristine Bülow Clausen, Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi (eds.), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the Modern Age. Temple – Monument – Lieu de Mémoire (Rome: Quasar 2019)

65. Arthur Weststeijn and Frederick Whitling, Termini. Cornerstone of Modern Rome (Rome: Quasar 2017)

64. Gert-Jan Burgers, Lieve Donnellan, Valentino Nizzo (eds.), Contexts of Early Colonization (Rome: Palombi, 2016)

63. Gert-Jan Burgers and Giulia Saltini Semerari (eds.), Early Iron Age Communities of Southern Italy (Rome: Palombi, 2015)