Louis Verreth, MA

PhD student in Greek / Latin Languages & Culture

Scholarship: for PhD students

Title research: Playing with Ancient Pasts. Lorenzo de' Medici and Humanist Literature.
My dissertation addresses the question of what literary devices humanist poets from the Florence of Lorenzo de’ Medici (1449-1492) used to argue that their city was the heir to ancient Rome. I will demonstrate how poets, through the appropriation of classical poets such as Virgil, drew from both classical Latin and Neo-Latin models to underpin their claims to the political legacy of the Roman empire in support of Lorenzo de’ Medici.

Working at KNIR: 17 - 31 March 2025

Email address: l.verreth@hum.leidenuniv.nl

University: Leiden University

Louis was already staying at the KNIR for a KNIR project (that consist of a research stay of 20 weeks in total) to do research for his doctoral thesis Claiming Ancient Rome’s Heritage: Translatio Imperii as an Anchoring Device in the Neo-Latin Poetry of Florence during the Age of Lorenzo de’ Medici (1469-1492).

Louis was also a KNIR Ambassador.