Courses archive

Eerste semester 2024-2025

Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi

Course: Symbols of Power

Thinking about Law and State from Ancient Rome to the European Union
Veldwerk Crustumerium

Practicum: Tombs from Excavation to Digital Publication

Course: Mining Library Treasures

Discovering the KNIR through its Special Collections

Course: Collecting the World in Rome

Course: Coins and the Sacred in Roman and Early Modern times

Course: Archival Politics: Culture, Power, and Suppression

Archaeological Fieldschool: Exploring Mountain Society in Ancient Samnium

Location: Molise

Minor Program Rome-Florence: Italian Art & History

Second semester 2023-2024

NWIB Summer School: Urban Heritage

in Rome, Florence or Athens

Summer School: Roma Caput Mundi

Archaeological Field School: Exploring Ancient Mountain Society in Guarda (Portugal) with the GAP project

Location: Beira Alta (Portugal)

Summer School: SuRe – Sustainable and Resilient societies

External course. Registration via the University of Groningen

Cursus: Constantijn en Rome

Course: Imagining Africa

Colonialism and Coloniality through Visual and Material Culture

Practicum: Remote Sensing in ancient Samnium

Aerial archaeology and geophysics practicum in Molise

Spring School: Neo-Latin Literature in and about Rome

Course: Writing on the Margins. Graffiti in Italy (7th-16th century)

Course: Excavating National Pasts

Rome and the (Trans) National Archaeologies of Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Course: Latin Epigraphy on location

Bimba Pensante

Course: Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa

Arte e attivismo come pratiche di cittadinanza

Course: Interdisciplinaire Romereis

Verdiepende nascholingscursus in Rome voor docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs

First semester 2023-2024

Course: Mining Library Treasures

Discovering Rome in KNIR's Rare Books Collection

Course: Classical Roots of (Early) Modern Colonisation


Archaeological Field Work: Exploring Ancient Mountain Society in Beira Alta (Portugal)

Location: Portugal

Archaeological Field Work: Exploring Mountain Society in Ancient Samnium

Location: Molise

Course: Byzantine Rome

Unknown Archaeology and History of the Eternal City (400-1000 AD)

Minor Program Rome-Florence: Italian Art & History

Second semester 2022-2023

NWIB Summer School: Urban Heritage

in Rome, Florence or Athens

International Summer School: Shakespeare’s Rome (SRISS)


Summer School: Roma Caput Mundi

Archaeological Field School: Unearthing a Roman Villa in Satricum (Italy)

Latium Vetus in the Imperial Period (1st – 5th AD)

Course: Archival Politics. Culture, Power, and Suppression

Practicum: Drones over ancient Samnium

Aerial archaeology practicum in Molise
Challenging Eternity

Course: Challenging Eternity

Planning heritage in the participatory society

Summer School: Cultures of Science and Art in Rome, 1400-1900

Practicum: Tombs from Excavation to Digital Publication

The Crustumerium Publication Project
Myth and Imperialism

Course: Myth and Imperialism in the Roman Republic

Latin Epigraphy on location

Course: Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa

Roma laboratorio di Storia/storie

First semester 2022-2023

Course: Raphael’s Antiquity

Practicum: Mining Library Treasures

KNIR's Rare Books Collection
Collecting the world in Rome

Seminar: Collecting the World in Rome

Rome is home to almost one hundred museums and countless collections from the four corners of the worlds. How did these collections of ethnographical, natural and archaeological objects come about and what do they reveal about Rome’s and Italy’s engagement with the expanding world, its colonies in Africa, and the ‘New’ World after 1492?

International Summer School: Shakespeare’s Rome (SRISS)

The SRISS is held in English and opens for the first time a double track: one for undergraduate students (BA) and one for post-graduate students (MA, PhDs, Postdocs, ESL teachers). Participants will be provided with appropriate methodological tools which will help them to develop a specific competence on Shakespeare’s Rome within an intercultural and interdisciplinary perspective.

Archaeological Field Work: Exploring Mountain Society in Ancient Samnium (Molise)

Minor Program Rome-Florence

What distinguishes this Minor is the on-site teaching, where Bachelor students are invited to always take into account the first-hand observation of objects, locations, urbanistics and social contexts. In all its courses, students are trained in documenting and analysing visual materials and performative practices in the Roman and Florentine contexts.

Second semester 2021-2022

Summer School: Roma Caput Mundi

Excavating National Pasts

Rome and the (Trans) National Archaeologies of Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Seminar: Heritage and Memory Theory

This seminar will explore the complexity of heritage and memory theory departing from an exceptional case study: the city of Rome.

Summer School: Cultures of Science and Art in Rome, 1400-1900

Masterclass “Humanist and Scholastic Roots of Early Modern Philosophy”

After a successful first edition in 2018, Professor Lodi Nauta and colleagues offer the opportunity to (R)MA/PhD students to participate in an unique masterclass which will examine the legacy of what we term late-medieval and Renaissance thought in early-modern philosophy.

Early Roman Imperialism in the Making

The course adopts a diachronic and systemic perspective with a focus on archaeology, in order to better understand Rome’s initial expansion between the late Regal and mid-Republican period (mid 6th to 3th century BC). Through a critical reading of Rome’s material record and that of Rome’s competitors in contemporary central Tyrrhenian Italy, you will explore the characteristics and socio-economic impact of early Roman expansion and colonisation, and evaluate different theories regarding the nature of early Roman imperialism.

Numismatics: Faces of Power

Coinage as a historical source in the Roman and early modern period

Latin Epigraphy on location

Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa e postsecolare

Seminar: Excavating National Pasts


First semester 2021-2022

Practicum: Mining Library Treasures

KNIR's Rare Books Collection

We Are the People

Transnational Imaginaries of (Anti-)Fascism and Populism

Seminar: Raphael’s Antiquity

Raphael was a prominent member of a network that would have a dramatic impact on cultural history, including the most prominent humanists and antiquarians of the period. During this course we will look at the way Antiquity was interpreted by Raphael and his peers, and at the reception of Raphael’s antiquity by subsequent generations. Most of all we will discuss and visit the Roman works of the master himself, in painting, drawing, architecture and antiquarian scholarship.

Byzantine Rome

Unknown Archaeology and History of the Eternal City (400-1000 AD)

Archaeology Field School: Exploring Mountain Society in Ancient Samnium

Second semester 2020-2021

Nascholingscursus De interdisciplinaire Romereis

Summer School: Roma Caput Mundi

Seminar: Latin Epigraphy on Location

Seminar: Jesus’s Polymorphism in the Wider Context of Greco-Roman Religion

Field Practicum Mountain Archaeology: Survey, Aerial, Remote Sensing

Seminar: Excavating National Pasts


Seminar: Early Roman Imperialism in the Making


Masterclass: A Greek Philosopher and Priest of Apollo in Rome. Plutarch’s Religious Philosophy and its Impact on Christian Thinking

First semester 2020-2021

Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi


Practicum: Exploring Mountain Society in Ancient Samnium

In this field school, you explore the archaeology of mountain society with a small, international team in mountain sites in the Apennines.