21 September 2021
The additional measure taken by the Italian government to ask all students, visitors and employees to present a green pass before entering an academic institution, also applies to the KNIR and helps us to prevent the spreading of the Covid-virus. Therefore, all...
21 September 2021
Raphael was a prominent member of a network that would have a dramatic impact on cultural history, including the most prominent humanists and antiquarians of the period. During this course we will look at the way Antiquity was interpreted by Raphael and his peers, and...
21 September 2021
7 September 2021
We are delighted to announce that dr. Tesse Stek has been appointed as KNIR’s new scientific director as of 1 October 2021, with a five year mandate. Tesse Stek is an excellent scholar and has an impressive curriculum in teaching and archaeological research....
7 September 2021
In mei 2019 overleed dr. Coen Stibbe, dichter, archeoloog, essayist, die in de afgelopen decennia regelmatig op het KNIR verbleef. Prof.dr. Eric M. Moormann schreef onlangs in het Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden (2019-2020, p....
2 August 2021