All activities


Incontro AIAC: Insediamenti e paesaggi nell’Italia centrale

Course: Latin Epigraphy on location


Knir Dialogues With Directors

Roman Museum Legacies: Dialogue with dott.ssa Olga Melasecchi, director of the Jewish Museum in Rome

KNIR Dialogue with Directors

Multidirectional Dialogue: Jewish Studies and Postcolonial Studies

KNIR Colloquium

Public Lecture: Permanent Security and Disciplinary Failure: Total Moral Collapse and the End of Grand Narratives

Keynote Lecture of the KNIR Colloquium "Multidirectional Dialogue: Jewish Studies and Postcolonial Studies"

Course: Roma Sacra. Op Romereis met oog voor betekenisgeving en religie

Verdiepende nascholingscursus in Rome voor docenten in het middelbaar onderwijs

Course: Jews, Christians and Mithraists

Urban Traces and Traditions of three “Oriental” Religions in Imperial Rome

Practicum: Remote Sensing in ancient Samnium

Aerial archaeology and geophysics practicum in Molise


Writing Rome

Course: Writing Rome

Literary Approaches to the City from Antiquity up to the Present

Course: Imagining Africa

Colonialism and Coloniality through Visual and Material Culture


Public Lecture: Simulating Empire. Carlo Enrico Rava and the Immersive Experience of Colonialism, 1938-1940

KNIR Research Dialogue (KRD)


Archaeological Field School: Unearthing a Roman Villa in Satricum (Italy)

Latium Vetus in the Imperial Period (1st – 5th AD)
GAP portugal

Archaeological Fieldwork: Exploring Mountain Society in Guarda (Portugal) with the GAP project

Location: Guarda, Beira Interior, Portugal


Minor Program Florence-Rome: Italian Art & History


Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi


Excavating National Pasts

Course: Excavating National Pasts

Rome and the (Trans)National Archaeologies of Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries