Stijn Timmermans, MA

preparing PhD position

Title research: The admirable antagonist: how Livy’s third decade helped shape the exemplum of Hannibal in Silius Italicus’ Punica

Working at KNIR: 14 October - 9 December 2024

University: Radboud University Nijmegen

Silius Italicus diverged stylistically from Livy’s AUC while narrating the Second Punic War in his Punica, also in his depiction of the character Hannibal Barca. Whereas Livy portrays him as the despicable un-Roman antitype, Silius transforms him into a praiseworthy literary exemplum. My research explores this moral shift by analysing Silius’ innovative approach as influenced by both literary predecessors and the evolving perceptions of Hannibal.